My son broke up with his girlfriend of four years.
We lost two large trees in our yard.
School is out.
I found a new babysitter (we had none).
My dad is in very bad shape, healthwise.
I finally met a neighbor I had been praying I would be able to meet.
I met my second grandson.
For a while I went through a very dark period, maybe the darkest of my life. It was about the fear I have of eternity. Though it threatened to tear me away from God, I am now closer to Him because of it.
My grown sons will both be here soon, the younger one in two days. He's the one who broke up, Tim. Chris is coming with his family in July.
I don't have any funny jokes or profound sayings tying all this together. Life just goes on, rushing like a river-- sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes high, sometimes low. That must be a plagiarism, sorry.
The photo is my husband, Ron, and me on our wedding day. We are very happily married, still. Back then I had worried about whether you would get bored with someone over time. People are much more complex than that. I will never be able to spend enough time with Ron in this life.
Same with my kids. And so many other friends and family, some who are already gone. I can't really say I'm not still afraid of eternity, but, "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."--2Tim.1:12