Friday, December 13, 2019

Christmas Gifts

I think most people who do laundry would agree--it's nice to find money when doing the wash.  Bonus bucks discovered, having tumbled out of someone's pocket, in the washer or dryer.  Last time I did laundry I found three dollars in the washing machine. It put a smile on my face. I felt lucky, like I won the lottery or something.

I know it's only three dollars, besides the fact that it was mine to begin with; it came out of my pocket. But it still felt like I won a prize. It always does when that happens--feels like an unexpected reward. Right away, though, I get smug. I think, "That's right! Whoever does the laundry gets to keep the spoils!" Then I feel like kind of a jerk.  But this time it was legit. The money was mine. More of a perk of forgetting to empty my pockets than anything else.

Today I saw two bluejays and a bright red cardinal in the tree right outside my window.  I had to smile, a big deep down inside smile, because I needed that encouragement.  I always do.  It wasn't anything I did that brought this present of loveliness into my life. I just got to receive it. A Christmas gift.

I am wretchedly sad that many people don't know how loved they are by God. The Christmas hymn of the year for me is, "O Come O Come Emmanuel."  The longing expressed in the words and melody is profound. I am thankful for this song at this time.  Because it brings forth what is often trapped inside me, and comes out in tears, as I listen to what is our common deepest desire.  It has been answered. Whether we know it or not.