After being on a special diet for health reasons for over a year and a half, not to mention a lifetime of trying to lose weight, I have suddenly, inexplicably, shed five pounds. So my first thought was, "I wonder if I have cancer?" I just read a friend's facebook post. She quoted a woman whose funeral she had just attended as saying, "I would rather have cancer and know Christ as my Savior, than be healthy and have no faith" I would agree with that statement.
I never used to think much about cancer because it didn't "run in my family." Now it seems to run everywhere.
I spent a lot of time doing yardwork today. I have a pretty bad headache from 'overdoing it.' So let me work my way around to my title here.
Back when I had my first batch of kids (boys) they, like my current brood (boys), along with my husband, loved the Three Stooges. Ugh. Well obviously I am not a boy. Anyway, I guess that's where they became acquainted with the concept of getting a pie in the face. But they never said it that way. They would say, "pie in the eye." Hahaha, now that's funny! They were so cute. One of them just turned 25. He's the apple of my eye. The pie of my eye--the fresh-picked blueberry pie of my eye! I posted the above photo on my facebook and labeled it, "fresh-picked blueberry pie," so of course my funny friend wanted to know where she could fresh-pick a blueberry pie! That's a little homeschool mom humor.
This morning in my Bible I was reading Proverbs 7:1-3
My son, keep my words
and store up my commands within you.
Keep my commands and you will live;
guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Bind them on your fingers;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
And it reminded me of how God has told us that we are 'the apple of His eye' (Zech. 2:8, Deut. 32:10). And here I am told to keep his teachings ("law" in KJV) as the 'apple of my eye.' I love the imagery. Could anything be more beautiful? We are invited to such an intimate relationship with the One who has made all things. And He doesn't want it to be 'casual.' He wants it to be all-consuming. He wants to be the apple of my eye!
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