One thing I love to have in my home is a piano. Not a keyboard. I'm not great at piano, but I love to have one around. I love to play classical piano--not well-but still I love to do it. I'm not being modest either.
My dad played piano very well. I loved to hear him. He picked interesting things to play, my favorite being Scarlatti. I play Scarlatti almost exclusively, now that I realize my days on this earth are numbered and there's no use wasting time playing stuff I don't like.
My Uncle Chris played the piano so beautifully it made my cousin and me cry, even when we were skulky teenagers. He played romantic pieces by composers like Brahms and Ravel. Sometimes I play that kind of stuff. My Uncle Chris was an amazing musician. He had an old spinet piano, not a great instrument, but pretty. It was maple and had a nice leafy design carved into the music stand. I always secretly wanted it.
As a young adult I lived in apartments, often on the third floor. Back then we didn't have a piano, obviously. However, when we finally settled down in a little bungalow where we knew we would stay, I started looking. There had once been a piano factory near where we lived. It was long gone and they had actually turned it into a mall. However, some of those pianos were still kicking around.
In fact, a venerable octogenarian living only a couple blocks from us was advertising her piano for sale in the local paper. I rushed over to check it out. The woman's name was Mabel. She lived with her sister and brother-in-law. She had never married. In her younger years she had worked at a watch factory, and once upon a time, she had bought herself a piano from that local piano factory.
The piano was nice, a dark cherry wood upright, in perfect condition. It was actually not as good of an instrument as my Uncle Chris's piano, but he had not offered me his yet. You see, he had multiple sclerosis, and was unable to play the piano anymore. Still, he was not ready to give it away, which I understood. I asked Mabel how much she wanted for the piano. She looked at me cutely and said, "Fifty dollars?"
We were pretty broke in those days, and I'm not gonna lie, I knew I should offer her more, but I didn't. So, I got my piano. Next time I saw my Uncle Chris I told him about it, of course. I think it kind of made him jealous that I had got myself another piano, not his. So then he decided that I should have his piano. I said something about what would I do with the one I just bought then, and he told me I could throw it in the garbage. I hope you are laughing now. I know I am.
So, for a while, maybe a couple of years, we had two pianos in our little bungalow. I never did get to my point in this story though, so stay tuned...